Black soldier fly larvae

Insect   -  Commercial stock

We are answering to the market demand on its new segment by using the same strengths than the one developed in our historical activity. The key parameters of our animals are their nutritional contents combined to their exponential multiplication’s capacity and high growth performances. We are taking care to apply strict hygiene rules to our production.

We are producers of 5 mg larvae for our client, for them to be focused on the growing and processing step of our production. We deliver our larvae in adapted diet to maximize the performance as soon as the animas are entering into the clients’ systems.

More informations on Cycle Farms' website

Zootechnical performance of larvae*.
Weight at departure
5 mg
Minimal growing time
7 days
Maturity weight
160 mg

* Datas are given as a exemple and can change in regard with the technical itinery during growth stage. These performances are collected on fruits and vegetables ration in respect of recommended breeding conditions of Cycle Farms.

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